The transmitter installation through integral manifolds can be optimized using ABAC brackets. These brackets fit any 2” pipestand, either horizontal or vertical.
• With this accesory ,the flanged manifold is supported instead of mounting the instrument, it gives the following advantages:
- It eliminates the risk of damages in the transmitter during the mounting, since at that moment you only install the manifold.
- It allows the piping construction without having the instruments.
- lt reduces maintenance costs allowing a quick disconnection of the instrument.
- lt can be used in manifolds with bottom purge ports.
• With this accessory the threaded manifold remains firmly supported, avoiding in this way the fixing through the threaded input and output connections.

Components / Material (*)
Support plate: Carbon steel
3/8" "U" bolts for 2" pipestand with washers and nuts: Carbon steel
Mounting screws: Alloy steel
(*) Available in stainless steel, on request.